Pussy Riot

Pussy Riot Installation Series

Natalia Margulis | LEAD ARTIST
Lianne Arnold | PROJECTIONS


I worked with fine artist Natalia Margulis to execute a series of projection and video works related to each other by themes of sexuality and gender identity as codified in the language of various cultural traditions including fairy tales. Many of the pieces dealt with Russian notions of gender and sexuality in language and imagery as Natalia was born in Russia and currently holds dual citizenship.

Here are a few of the pieces I projected, shot and edited in collaboration with Natalia's text.

Projection on the roof of a mouth.

Projection on the roof of a mouth.

Layering of projection and bodies.

Projection on bodies, layering of iconographic imagery and text.
Performer & Vocal Improvisation: Helga Davis
Conceived & Written by: Natalia Margulis