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Lianne Arnold | PROJECTIONS
Patti Kilroy & Amanda Lo | VIOLIN
Jennifer DeVore | CELLO
Earl Maneein | VIOLA
Kishor Haulenbeek | VOCALS

Various NYC Venues, 2014

"After a last vast interval, a seventh sun appears, and then, monks, this great Earth, and Sineru, the monarch of mountains, flare and blaze, and become one mass of flame."

seven)suns is a string quartet named after the apocalyptic Buddhist prophecy written above. They bring two related music subcultures of the modern-day working class known colloquially as Metal and Hardcore into classically-oriented performing arts. The sound of seven)suns is, by turns, driven, aggressive, dissonant and hard-edged as well as contemplative, meditative, still and serene. To incorporate the Metal and Hardcore sound into the discourse of Western art music, we perform the work of our members alongside works originating from the Western art music tradition.

For more: www.sevensunsmusic.com


Conceived and Original Music Composed By: Earl Maneein Violin: Patti Kilroy & Amanda Lo Cello: Jennifer DeVore Viola: Earl Maneein Vocals: Kishor Haulenbeek


Conceived and Original Music Composed By: Earl Maneein Violin: Patti Kilroy & Amanda Lo Cello: Jennifer DeVore Viola: Earl Maneein Vocals: Kishor Haulenbeek


Conceived and Original Music Composed By: Earl Maneein Violin: Patti Kilroy & Amanda Lo Cello: Jennifer DeVore Viola: Earl Maneein Vocals: Kishor Haulenbeek